Benefits of A PoliSci Undergraduate Degree

The Undergraduate (UG) Degree marks the entry of a student into the Professional world. The career path is now chosen, “es jacta est” (“the die is cast”), as Julius Caesar once declared. But some special subjects remain, which still allow the novitiate to beat an independent path. Political Science is one such General Subject, from which the young professional is invited to spread wings to many professions. Political Science as a subject is defined as the study of governance at all levels, which are national, state and local. Political Scientists look at government of countries throughout the world, official government institutions and policies, and investigate the politics that go into the making of those policies. Individual psychology and family structure, issues of race, gender and social class are all studied with a view to throwing light on the Science of Politics in the Real World. Though Management is often a prime target for holders of the Political Science UG Degree, there are so many more routes to the top that this subject opens up that the Benefits of a Political Science Undergraduate Degree need to be focused on, however briefly, as we do below.
The Benefits
Some of the Benefits of a Political Science Undergraduate Degree are presented below:
- One of the basic Benefits of majoring in Political Science at the UG level is that it offers a liberal arts education and training in critical thinking. This hones the student’s ability for informed judgment, and imparts a broad understanding of human values and condition. This is the hallmark of the truly educated and competent human being, and the functionality of a true citizen.
- Political Science is the subject to major in to prepare for Law school, Government Service or a political career.
- Some of the subjects in the course, such as personnel management and budgeting practices, are essential for preparation in public and private sector employments.
- Political Science also includes the sub-fields of Comparitive Government and International Relations, it is the mainstream route to jobs in the International fields and in World bodies and Global Institutions.
- Large Businesses whose work or interests takes them abroad, and MNC’s who have roots worldwide, make Employers whose decisions take account of global community relations and international political considerations often need to hire professionals with Political Science majors in UG level.
- Of course, an initial start at UG level in Political Science can lead to a secondary teaching career.
- A variety of social and political research careers are also open to the Graduates in Political Science at UG level.
- Most Political Science UG courses cater to both the domestic as well as the International policy and politics. There is a wide variety of courses on offer at the Universities and Colleges worldwide under the major of Political Science, and these courses are often set up with flexible requirements in order to allow students to design a major portion of their own programs, particularly in the Liberal and Democratic Countries.
- A bachelor’s degree in Political Science prepares graduates for entry level jobs in Political Science. This may include employment in the Business Sector as a Consultant, or direct entry level jobs as Administrative Assistants, or even in the Government of a particular country.
- With a Masters degree in Political Science in addition to the UG level, graduates can also work in Education. They can teach at College (or High School) , specializing in Government, Civics or Social sciences.
- Research is also a fine option for those with a highly academic bent of mind, who want to pursue in this vein, with both Doctorates and Masters degrees on offer at the top Universities. This of course requires that the student must have excellent academic records throughout, and be desirous of continuing in this specialization throughout the working life or career. Many fine Professors in a vast area of specialization come from the bedrock of Political Science UG education.
- Political Scientists apply their graduate level learning to keen analysis of political and general data, with the objective of tracking political developments, and creating suitable political responses. They are therefore in great demand for providing their expert opinions through their writings and commentary.
- In the capacity of Political Commentators and Writers, Political Scientists may be utilized by Politicians and Political Parties of all colors to present their views in cogent fashion, or even to prepare policy papers for presentation to the voting public.
- The Media, in particular the Internet and the Social Media, as well as the News Network, always keep a sharp eye out for interesting views by Political Commentators, most of whom have an UG background in Political Science.
- Thus, the Political Science UG finds the options for a top-class career are unbelievable.